- Obtain real-time location data
No. | Editor | Edit date | Revision date |
2.0.0 | admin | 2020-06-20 | 2020-06-20 |
Request URL:
Request mode:
Request header:
Parameter | Required field | Data type | Explanation |
Content-Type | Yes | string | application/json |
Request parameter:
Parameter | Required field | Data type | Explanation |
FTokenID | Yes | string | token |
FAction | Yes | string | QueryLBSMonitorListByFGUIDs |
FGUIDs | Yes | string | Unique identification of assets / device, multiple separated by ‘,’ |
FType | Yes | int | 1:assets 2:device |
Response example:
Correct response:
"Result": 200,
"Message": "check token success",
"FObject": [
"FAssetID": "7500313618",
"FAssetTypeID": 701,
"FLongitude": 113.916965,
"FLatitude": 22.58107,
"FSpeed": 0,
"FDirection": 0,
"FMileage": 0,
"FGPSTime": "2020-08-12T01:56:16Z",
"FRecvTime": "2020-08-12T01:56:31.036Z",
"FLocationType": 1,
"FCellSignal": 8,
"FGPSSignal": 5,
"FMNC": 0,
"FMCC": 460,
"FLAC": 10342,
"FCELLID": 4242,
"FBattery": 100,
"FACC": -1,
"FLockRope": 0,
"FLockStatus": 0,
"FFuelCut": -1,
"FDoor": -1,
"FMotor": -1,
"FFuelValue1": -1,
"FFuelValue2": -1,
"FFuelValue3": -1,
"FTemperature1": -1000.0,
"FTemperature2": -1000.0,
"FTemperature3": -1000.0,
"FTemperature4": -1000.0,
"FTemperature5": -1000.0,
"FTemperature6": -1000.0,
"FHumidity1": 0,
"FHumidity2": 0,
"FHumidity3": 0,
"FHumidity4": 0,
"FHumidity5": 0,
"FHumidity6": 0,
"FExpandProto": null,
"SubAssets": {
"E0171A0107": {
"FAssetID": "E0171A0107",
"FDateTime": "2020-08-12T01:53:10Z",
"FEvent": 6,
"FHumidity": 0,
"FLockRope": 0,
"FLockStatus": 0,
"FLockTimes": 1028,
"FPower": 68,
"FRSSI": 84,
"FSensorType": 4,
"FTemperature": -1000.0,
"FVoltage": 3.93
"1018330094": {
"FAssetID": "1018330094",
"FDateTime": "2020-08-12T01:34:30Z",
"FEvent": -1,
"FHumidity": 71,
"FLockRope": 1,
"FLockStatus": 1,
"FLockTimes": -1,
"FPower": 98,
"FRSSI": 69,
"FSensorType": 1,
"FTemperature": 27.6,
"FVoltage": 3.04
"E0171A00FD": {
"FAssetID": "E0171A00FD",
"FDateTime": "2020-08-11T11:07:35Z",
"FEvent": 5,
"FHumidity": 0,
"FLockRope": 0,
"FLockStatus": 0,
"FLockTimes": 17,
"FPower": 68,
"FRSSI": 53,
"FSensorType": 4,
"FTemperature": -1000.0,
"FVoltage": 3.93
"1018100169": {
"FAssetID": "1018100169",
"FDateTime": "2020-08-12T01:29:29Z",
"FEvent": -1,
"FHumidity": 71,
"FLockRope": 1,
"FLockStatus": 1,
"FLockTimes": -1,
"FPower": 98,
"FRSSI": 87,
"FSensorType": 1,
"FTemperature": 28.200000000000003,
"FVoltage": 3.04
Error response:
"Result": 102,
"Message": "Action is error",
"FObject": []
Return parameter description:
Parameter | Data type | Explanation |
FAssetID | String | Device Id |
FAssetTypeID | Int | Device type |
FLongitude | Decimal | Longitude |
FLatitude | Decimal | Latitude |
FSpeed | Int | Speed (km/h) |
FDirection | Int | Direction (0~360) |
FMileage | Int | Mileage (km) |
FGPSTime | DateTime | GPS time(UTC) |
FRecvTime | DateTime | Data receiving time(UTC) |
FLocationType | Int | Location type 1:GNSS(GPS/BeiDou) located 2:Base Station positioning(Device’s function) 3:LBS positioning(Platform’s function) 4:Mobile location 0:Unlocated |
FCellSignal | Int | GSM signal quality |
FMNC | Int | MNC |
FMCC | Int | MCC |
FLAC | Int | LAC |
FBattery | Int | quantity of electricity |
FACC | Int | ACC status (1:Open;0:Close) |
FLockRope | Int | Lock rope status (1: Pull out 0:Insert -1:Undefined) |
FLockStatus | Int | Lock state (1: Unlock 0:Lock -1:Undefined) |
FFuelCut | Int | Fuel cut |
FDoor | Int | Door status |
FMotor | Int | Motor status |
FFuelValue1 | Int | Oil level value 1 |
FFuelValue2 | Int | Oil level value 2 |
FFuelValue3 | Int | Oil level value 3 |
FTemperature1 | Decimal | Temperature value 1 |
FTemperature2 | Decimal | Temperature value 2 |
FTemperature3 | Decimal | Temperature value 3 |
FTemperature4 | Decimal | Temperature value 4 |
FTemperature5 | Decimal | Temperature value 5 |
FTemperature6 | Decimal | Temperature value 6 |
FHumidity1 | Decimal | Humidity value 1 |
FHumidity2 | Decimal | Humidity value 2 |
FHumidity3 | Decimal | Humidity value 3 |
FHumidity4 | Decimal | Humidity value 4 |
FHumidity5 | Decimal | Humidity value 5 |
FHumidity6 | Decimal | Humidity value 6 |
FExpandProto | String | Reserved field |
SubAssets | String | Slave information |
FOnline | Int | Device Online status 1:Online 0:Offline |
*FExpandProto: *
Parameter | Data type | Explanation |
FAwake | Int | Wake-up source -1:null 0: Reboot 1: RTC 2: Vibration 3: Open cover/removal 4: Lock rope/bar 5: Charging 6: Swipe card 7: Lora 8: VIP phone number 9: SMS/Calling 10: Bluetooth 11: Insert lock rope 12: Closing cover 13: Simulation 14: Press Button 15: Non-VIP phone number 16: VIP phone number wake-up 17: Reset 18: Abnormal temperature and humidity 19: Abnormal air pressure 20: Power on 21: Open and close the door 22: Light sensor |
FPosture | Int | Posture coefficient |
FDesc | String | other extended information Json string |
FDesc: other extended information Json string
E.g.: {“fBackBattery”:”92,4.08,0”,”fChange”:0,”fNetworkType”:4,”fPosture”:”x:-178;y:3;z:12169”,”fRopeInfo”:”{"batteryStatus":0,"exist":0,"mac":"000000000000","ropeStatus":6,"rssi":0}”,”fVoltage”:0.0}
The following are all fields of extended information. The actual number of Json string fields returned will not be so many.
Parameter | Data type | Explanation |
fBackBattery | String | Backup battery |
fNetworkType | Int | Networktype 0: Unknown 2:2G 3:3G 4:4:G 5:5G |
fPosture | String | attitude “x:1;y:-29;z:-2903” |
fRopeInfo | String | lock rope info.(Json string) |
fVoltage | Float | Battery voltage |
fAngle | Int | Inclination |
fAcceleration | String | Acceleration |
fLx | Float | Illumination |
fPressure | Float | Air pressure |
fVibrate | Int | Amplitude |
fReportType | Int | Datatype 0:Real-time;1:Historical;2:Alarm |
fDoor1 | Int | 1:Door1 Open 0:Door1 Close |
fDoor2 | Int | 1:Door2 Open 0:Door2 Close |
fVolStatus | Int | Voltage Status(0:LED voltage normal 1:LED High voltage status flag) |
fVolValue | Double | LED voltage value |
fEleStatus | Int | current state 0:LED current normal 1:LED High current status flag |
fEleValue | Double | LED Current value |
fLuminance | Int | brightness 0:Indicates off (energy saving level one) , <=25 (Energy Saving Level 2) <=50 (Energy saving level three) <=75 (Energy Saving Level 4) <=100 (Energy saving level five) |
fBackCover | Int | Back Cover Status:-1:null;0:back cover close;1:back cover open |
fMainBattery | Int | JT705C,Main battery status(1: Main battery removal,0:Main battery installed;-1:null) |
fRopeInfo:Other extended information Json string
E.g.: “fRopeInfo”:”{"batteryStatus":0,"exist":0,"mac":"000000000000","ropeStatus":6,"rssi":0}”
Parameter | Data type | Explanation |
batteryStatus | Int | low battery status 0:normal ; 1:low battery ; -1:-(null) |
exist | Int | bar installed 0:not in locked position ; 1:in locked position ; -1:- (null) |
mac | String | lock bar bluetooth mac address |
ropeStatus | Int | ock rope status 0:unknow ; 2: Bend ;3: Saw off ;4: Lost ; 5: Shackle hook saw off ; 6: Lock bar saw off ; 7: Lock bar pulled out ;-1: – (null) |
rssi | Int | RSSI |
Other result status description:
- 105:Request error
- 104:Token error or expiration
- 102:Request parameter error
String result = "";
//Request url
String url = "";
//Request parameters, JSON format parameters, it is recommended to pass in objects
String body = "{FAction:\"QueryLBSMonitorListByFGUIDs\",FTokenID:\"3acef045-d302-4032-b40a-d9ee6c1519cd\",FGUIDs:\"BE2A1E27-B36E-4301-B2C8-465A62AD215F,FE0BDE75-4A30-4B9C-AD2E-66D8A4F44F5E\",FType:\"1\"}";
URL realUrl = new URL(url);
// Set properties of general request
URLConnection conn = realUrl.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("accept", "*/*");
conn.setRequestProperty("connection", "keep-Alive");
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
conn.setRequestProperty("user-agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1;SV1)");
conn.setRequestProperty("method", "post");
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(conn.getOutputStream());
BufferedReader bufReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
String line;
while ((line = bufReader.readLine()) != null) {
result += line;
//JSON string is returned
return result;
//Request url
string url = "";
//Request parameters, JSON format parameters, it is recommended to pass in objects
string body = "{FAction:\"QueryLBSMonitorListByFGUIDs\",FTokenID:\"3acef045-d302-4032-b40a-d9ee6c1519cd\",FGUIDs:\"BE2A1E27-B36E-4301-B2C8-465A62AD215F,FE0BDE75-4A30-4B9C-AD2E-66D8A4F44F5E\",FType:\"1\"}";
Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Method = "post";
request.Accept = "*/*";
request.ContentType = "application/json";
request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)";
byte[] buffer = encoding.GetBytes(body);
request.ContentLength = buffer.Length;
request.GetRequestStream().Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8))
//JSON string is returned
return reader.ReadToEnd();
url = ''
data = {
'FAction': 'QueryLBSMonitorListByFGUIDs',
'FTokenID': '3acef045-d302-4032-b40a-d9ee6c1519cd',
data = parse.urlencode(data).encode('utf-8')
headers = {
'User-Agent': r'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) '
r'Chrome/45.0.2454.85 Safari/537.36 115Browser/6.0.3',
'Connection': 'keep-alive'
req = request.Request(url, headers=headers, data=data)
page = request.urlopen(req).read()
page = page.decode('utf-8')
# json_array = json.loads(page)
return page;
文档更新时间: 2024-12-19 16:52 作者:Jeson