目录 搜索 AuthenticationDashboard(Device statistics)Single Device InformationAll Devices informationSingle Assets(Vehicle/Container) InformationAll Assets(Vehicle/Container) InformationReal time location dataHistorical track recordsRemote command unlockingSend unlock commandQuery unlock statusRemote controlOpen/Close dynamic passwordOpen/Close dynamic password statusQuery unlock passwordUpdate unlock passwordUnlock password update status Query the latest photos taken by the vehicle Active Photograph (including GP and Su standard)Query Asset Online StatusRemote command listQuery command listSend commandQuery send recordList of sublocksSublock unlocksDevice/Alarm/Event/Unlock Type DescriptionReportsCurve of stateUnlock&lock reportSlave trackAlarm reportEvent reportTemperature & humidity curveFuel consumption reportRefueling reportAbnormal fuel consumptionFuel consumption analysisAll Company InformationDevice managementModifying the deviceNew device addedType of deviceDeleting a deviceDevice DetailsDevice informationAssets(Vehicle/Container) managementModifying the assetAdding assetsType of assetDeleting assetsAsset informationAsset detailsTransfer Asset/ Device To Another CommpanyRoutes managementStart and end supervision(Delivery List)Waybill Dispatching(Vehicle Dispatch)Check the list of company Waybill(Delivery List)Delete Waybill numberModify the Waybill informationQuery Route Plan informationQuery specific information of a single routeTransportation ReportGeoFences managementAdding fences in bulkQuery all fences and fence grouping informationModifying the fenceDeleting fences in bulkQuery all fence grouping information under the comBind vehicles to fences 暂无相关搜索结果! 本文档使用 MinDoc 发布 Reports Unlock reportSlave trackAlarm reportEvent reportTemperature & humidity curve文档更新时间: 2024-12-19 16:52 作者:Jeson
Unlock reportSlave trackAlarm reportEvent reportTemperature & humidity curve文档更新时间: 2024-12-19 16:52 作者:Jeson