User management is used to maintain account information and authority management. The left side displays the users belonging to each company based on company information;

Add New user:

Which company the new user belongs to, click the new icon behind the company, and the new page will pop up;

Enter user name, associated company, expiration date and other information, set function permissions and configuration module permissions. After the information is entered and confirmed, click Save to create a new account successfully and generate a new account, which will become the account of the current company.

Here you can set the user information separately, or it can be achieved by selecting the role. What permissions the role gives the user can have what permissions, if the user selects the role and configures the permissions below, the user has the permissions It is the sum of the two.

Related Co.:

The company associated with the account here can manage and view all the information of the associated company and its subsidiaries after logging in. Please choose carefully.

Function permissions:

Configure the functional authority corresponding to the user, and the user will have the corresponding functional authority after logging in to the Web based software.

Module permissions:

Divided into WEB permission configuration and APP permission configuration, the corresponding authority needs to be assigned according to the user’s role. After the user logs in to the Web based software or APP , only functional modules with authority are displayed.

Modify the expiration date:

If you need to modify the expiration date, and you want to modify the expiration date of all accounts under the company simultaneously, you can tick the check box after the expiration date. After the save is successful, the expiration date of all accounts under the company’s name will be changed. Synchronization Update.

Edit user:

Click the edit icon behind the user to enter the user edit page. After the modified information is saved successfully, the modification is successful, and the modified information of the user will be displayed.

Delete user:

If you want to delete a user, you can click the delete icon next to it. After the user is deleted, you will no longer be able to log in to the system.

If there are sub-users under the user, they will be deleted along with the sub-user information. Therefore, please be careful when deleting users.

文档更新时间: 2023-04-20 14:44   作者:Jeson