Scanning is used to identify the device information, if it is an electronic lock, perform the unlock operation, if it is a non-lock device, jump to the details page after identifying the device.
According to different device types, the method used to unlock the lock is different, as follows:
JT701D master lock:Remote unlock after scanning the code;
JT701D slave lock:After scanning the slave lock, perform Bluetooth unlocking operation on the slave lock;
JT705A/JT709A:These two locks have their own Bluetooth function, so the Bluetooth unlock operation will be performed after scanning the code;
JT709/JT802:This type of lock has only Bluetooth function, whether it is used as a slave lock or used alone, the Bluetooth unlock operation is performed after scanning the code.
If it is a lock device, perform remote unlocking or Bluetooth unlocking after scanning;
If the scanned device is a non-electronic lock product, the system will display the corresponding details interface, which is the same as the asset details.